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Custom Translations

Creating the file

Localization files are JSON files, that are built from an array of objects.
Each JSON object contains 3 fields:

keyThe key of the translation, must be unique. Required.
categoryThe category of the translation, must be in the Localization.Categories enum. Default: NoCategory
translationsA dictionary of the translations for each language. Required.

An example localization file can look like this:

        "key": "custom_text",
        "translations": {
            "English": {
                "text": "hello"
            "SpanishSpain": {
                "text": "hola"

Registering the file

Registering the localization file is done by using the LocalizationPatcher.RegisterLocalization method in your mod's Awake method:

LocalizationPatcher.RegisterLocalization(new Identifier("ModName", "Path\\To\\File.json"));

Unique translations

Sometimes when adding custom content such as charms, Cuphead looks for certain keys.

  1. For a charm's name for example, it will be charm_id_name.
  2. For a charm's subtext and description it will be charm_id_subtext and charm_id_description.


For weapon keys it will be the same but with the weapon_id instead, The same is true for supers.